Mirko Stocker

Monthly Archives: September 2009

Scala Refactoring Term Project

If you’re a Java programmer and haven’t yet heard of Scala, take a look at this nice Scala Tutorial. What follows is my project proposal for my master term project (12 ECTS, ~360 hours of work, the same as a bachelor thesis actually). The project starts next week and will keep my busy for the […]

How Old Is Agile Development?

Reading the following lines, it should be crystal clear to every professional that the text refers to some sort of Agile Development: [..] we consider the design process as a recursive operation taking place in increments of, say, weeks. That is, after each increment, we aim at having a finished product [..]. In other words, […]

Hello again!

Welcome to my new blog! After almost 4 years of blogging at blog.misto.ch, I needed a change. The posting frequency constantly dropped and I’ve picked up twitter to post shorter messages, and most of the serious work I did ended up on InfoQ. So, why even bother blogging anymore? Well, I’ll soon start my masters […]