Mirko Stocker

Hello again!

Welcome to my new blog!

After almost 4 years of blogging at blog.misto.ch, I needed a change. The posting frequency constantly dropped and I’ve picked up twitter to post shorter messages, and most of the serious work I did ended up on InfoQ.

So, why even bother blogging anymore? Well, I’ll soon start my masters project and I want to have a platform to communicate about it ((If you’re curious, and as you’ve probably already guessed, I’ll bring automated refactoring support to Scala! But more on that in the following days.)). I also feel (or rather hope) that this might interest a broader audience, thus the switch over to english and – in the wake of all these changes – also a fresh design ((That, as I just realized today, also matches the color scheme of our bathroom.)) ((Aren’t these footnotes pretty?)).

And now, some rules for this blog:

  1. Comments are to be written in English or they’ll get deleted.
  2. You may criticize my English (I’m all for improving my skills), but please only if you’re really sure and can back up your claim.
  3. Subscribe to the feed!


  1. nice change! I sometimes also think about a language switch, but for the moment it’s okay. good luck with the new blog and your Master thesis. and let’s hope that your posting frequency increases a little bit 😉

  2. Congratulation to your new design. I think it is now more friendly and a lighter than the older one.

    But… Have you ever tried to read your page at a small resolution screen? If I resize my window, the left navigation is not longer accessible. Maybe you can fix you css.

  3. Siler: Jup, I am now.
    Giu: Can’t promise anything, but I’ll try.
    Mike: Uh, f***, the CSS already is quite a mess. I’ll see what I can do about it.

  4. Mike: Should be better now, as long as you don’t go below 1024px widths. Aah CSS is so much fun 🙂

  5. I’ll send it to you when I’m done, but you’ll have to wait for ~15 weeks 🙂 The project starts next week.. (and I’ll post anything interesting here)

  6. your “Refactoring Scala” on de left navigation (Concerning) overlapps itself 😉 or do you want that?

  7. WordPress’ fault.. I don’t seem to be able to configure that. But, I could imagine that it looks better once there are more tags available.

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