Mirko Stocker

How Old Is Agile Development?

Reading the following lines, it should be crystal clear to every professional that the text refers to some sort of Agile Development:

[..] we consider the design process as a recursive operation taking place in increments of, say, weeks. That is, after each increment, we aim at having a finished product [..]. In other words, we consider the product as always, from the very first few weeks onward, to be in the hands of users. A version of the product is always finished and available for use.

Now, how old is this quote? Certainly not more than ten years, that would have been my guess. Probably from the early XP days? Actually, the quote is from 1977‘s august edition of IEEE Computer. Interesting, isn’t it?


  1. Awesome, a true gem! …and never heard of that Peter Schorer before, he seems not to be linked to today’s agile community. But mebbe he and some of today’s agile proponents worked on the same projects at HP? ^^

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