Mirko Stocker

Extract Method for Scala

I haven’t blogged in quite a while now. Actually, the last entry was to announce my term project on Scala Refactoring. My excuse is, I was hard at work! So without further ado:

class Demo1 {
  def demo1(i: Int): Int = {
    val a = i
    val b = a + i

Select the line with the assignment to b, murmur the incantation press some keys, et voilà:

class Demo1 {
  def newMethod(i: Int, a: Int): Int = {
    val b = a + i
  def demo1(i: Int): Int = {
    val a = i
    val b = newMethod(i, a)

It also works with multiple return values and when passing functions. Now, the code isn’t ready yet, and I have to concentrate on writing my report right now, so it might take a couple more weeks until I can ship something.

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