Mirko Stocker

Category Archives: Unkategorisiert

Play 2.3 Applications on OpenShift

This is a quick how-to guide to get your Play 2.3 applications up and running on RedHat’s OpenShift PaaS. OpenShift unfortunately doesn’t support Play out of the box, and there are some pitfalls that can be quite annoying. Why OpenShift? As I said, OpenShift – contrary to many other PaaS providers like CloudBees or Heroku […]

Organizing Imports in Scala

Organize Imports was a very often requested feature for the Scala IDE for Eclipse, so I wrote the first very limited version as part of my thesis. It couldn’t do much more than sorting the imports and collapsing them from multiple import statements to a single one. At the beginning of this year, Daniel Ratiu […]

Eliminating Pattern Matching

In the last few years, I worked on several Java projects where we transformed and analyzed abstract syntax trees, so when I started learning Scala, pattern-matching quickly became one of my favorite language features. I could never warm up to the visitor pattern, so I was thankful that Scala offered a much more powerful alternative. […]

Plans for 2011

I originally wanted to write a review of 2010 here, but by now I definitely missed the deadline for year-end-retrospectives, so I’m going to make this about my plans for 2011. I’ve spent a large portion of last year on the Scala Refactoring project, and I’m quite happy with the results: four editors/IDEs are using […]

Extract Method for Scala

I haven’t blogged in quite a while now. Actually, the last entry was to announce my term project on Scala Refactoring. My excuse is, I was hard at work! So without further ado: Select the line with the assignment to b, murmur the incantation press some keys, et voilà: It also works with multiple return […]